They live on too
We had a dog called Poppy, a Labrador x Labradoodle. She was born in 2010, and we re-homed her when she was 12 weeks old.
She instantly grew a strong connection with our first dog, Oscar. They were inseparable in many ways. Apart from the inevitable ailments that come with age, Poppy lived a great life and was a massive part of our family. We loved her beyond words.
Poppy suddenly passed away on April 23, 2023. I was away at the time and didn’t get to say goodbye in person, which was really difficult.
If I recall correctly, I became aware of her saying she would be back at the start of the summer, and I thought this meant the summer of 2023. I saw her in a clairvoyant vision as a pale yellow Labrador, almost white.
A friend of ours is a Labrador breeder, and we kept asking if they were expecting any litters that might have a pale yellow Labrador girl in them. Several litters were born, but no yellow girls. Then, exactly one year later, just as I had seen in the clairvoyant vision, two yellow girls were part of a new litter.
Again, I was away on the day the puppies were born. My wife asked me if I felt drawn to either of the girls in particular. I circled one that I felt drawn to, and it turns out that my wife was drawn to the same one without prior knowledge from me.
One day, I was at work and when I came home, we had our evening meal. As I was taking the plate back into the kitchen, I stopped and told my wife that I really liked the name Honey. My wife gasped and told me that earlier that day, while walking our other three dogs, she had become aware that she really liked the name Honey for our little yellow girl. We hadn't spoken about names before, and any names we had considered were different. We knew that this was a sign that we both agreed on the same name.
Roughly two weeks later, the breeder told us that she had registered the puppies because of their pedigree. The name she gave for the yellow girl we were interested in was "Diamond Honey." At that moment, there was an incredible synchronicity. The breeder had included the name Honey, and both my wife and I had independently decided we liked the name Honey without knowing each other’s thoughts.
I believe the spirit world made a great effort to make it clear that Poppy had returned as Honey. I had often demanded that if Poppy was to return, I would need to know beyond any doubt that it was really her. And this is what I believe happened.
Losing a beloved pet like Poppy can be incredibly emotional, and the experiences and feelings I have described are deeply personal and profound. Many people who believe in reincarnation or the spiritual connection with pets have similar questions and experiences. Here's a way to explore these thoughts:
Spiritual Perspectives on Animal Reincarnation
Spiritual Beliefs:
- Many spiritual traditions and beliefs hold that souls can reincarnate. This extends to animals, suggesting that a pet's spirit may choose to return.
Personal Experiences
- Those who believe in animal reincarnation often report feeling a deep connection with a new pet, sensing the presence and behaviors of a previous pet.
Signs and Synchronicities
- Seeing visions or receiving messages, as you did with Poppy, are considered signs for many people. These experiences can feel validating and comforting.
The Emotional Side
Grief and Hope
- Grieving the loss of a pet can lead to a strong desire to feel their presence again. This can create a strong emotional lens through which people interpret events.
Comfort and Connection
- Believing that Poppy's spirit lives on in Honey can bring comfort, keep the memory alive, and strengthen your bond with Honey.
Logical and Scientific Views
Pure Chance
- Statistically, coincidences do happen. Discovering a new dog who exhibits similar traits might be a matter of chance, heightened by your love and memories of Poppy.
Psychological Interpretations
- The need to feel connected to Poppy might influence how you perceive Honey's actions. This is known as cognitive bias, where emotional need shapes perception.
The Mystery of Consciousness
Animal Consciousness
- Whether animals have a form of consciousness that persists beyond physical life is not scientifically proven but remains an area of personal belief and spiritual exploration.
Making Their Own Decisions
- If one believes in a spiritual dimension to life, it can be comforting to think of animals like Poppy making conscious. We do see traits in Honey, that are very similar to Poppy, but these are open to interpretation, but in our hearts, we know that she has that essence of Poppy, but is still a Soul in her own right, so that in the future, we will be reunited with Poppy, Honey and all the other dogs that have blessed and still bless our lives,
It only takes a minute!
You know that Christmas can be a time of excess, usually of food, alcohol, family or all three!
Luckily none of the above apply to me, except maybe the frequent visits to the sweet tin.
What I have done to excess though, is occupy my mind with TV, Social Media and more TV, to the extent that I actually got bored of habitually sitting down to stare at the screen, with no genuine enjoyment happening while I did it.
It was like I was just staring into space, so I decided to make efforts to change.
I’m doing it in little ways, I stopped turning the radio on in the car, so I could travel with my own thoughts, and also become aware of those from the unseen world too.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to give up TV or social media completely, although there’s probably good reasons why I should, they do have a part to play in a balanced life, but i’m trying to be more conscious of what I’m doing, and more often.
Here’s my plan, I’m trying to now, to keep away from the TV on a weekday evening, and pick up a book instead, or sit and meditate in silence or with a little music, and do you know what, It’s having a positive effect, I feel calmer, more relaxed, less stressed, and more patient.
I feel like the silence is healing me, helping me to perceive the subtle things around me, the unseen inner voice, the voice of other spirit’s, and as a medium, we’re all about what’s happening in the ‘Other World’
I think it’s been a timely reminder, that seeds planted in fertile soil will prosper, but seeds planted in barren ground, will wither and not come to much.
Self care is what this is really about, taking time to ( literally ) smell the coffee, listen to silence, respond positively to your body and mind, allow the shoulders to drop, breath deeply and consciously, get reacquainted with yourself, it won’t neccessarily bring miracles to you, but inner peace can feel miraculous!
It’s cold outside, but being in nature is incredibly rewarding too, look at the beauty of frosted grass, fallen leaves, clear blue skies, they all ways to become mindful of the good stuff.
Here’s to a healthier mind, revitalised Spirit and a renewed sense of who you are.
What do you do, to become more mindful, at peace or conscious?
Share your thoughts with me.
Like Neil Diamond….we’re Coming to America
We’re Coming to America
Now, I freely admit to being a fan of Neil Diamond, what’s not to like?
Never did I think, that one day, I would combine something I love being part of my life, and the opportunity to share it with others across that great ocean that separates us.
My journey with Spirit was entirely personal to start with, it was just me searching for answers, for my own benefit, but over time, that’s changed.
Now I get no greater joy, than when I can share my understanding of Mediumship, Spirit Guides, Trance Mediumship, and the many questions around how and why we connect to Spirit.
There’s a whole world out there to explore, so many questions that I have had, and still have, and all I seek to do, is to share my conclusions in whatever way I can, which takes me to the next chapter of my journey.
We all need someone, in fact we need many people, to help us to navigate the journey of spiritual and mediumistic unflodment,, we may think we can do it on our own, but if we’re honest, it’s much better when we share the experience with others.
I’ve been very grateful for the people that have, and continue to help me on the way, they have inspired and encouraged me, answered SO many questions from me, always with kindness and patience, and they have helped me see something I didn’t see in myself, I feel it’s important that I try my best, to do the same for others, to help them see that they CAN do it, that it IS possible.
When I was wondering what to do next, where to take my love for mediumship, I felt like I had to be brave, and ask if there were people who wanted to see more of me Stateside, and remarkably, I had someone ( Jess & Colin ) say YES, we would like you to come on over.
Jess and Colin occupy a beautiful location in Westport, Massachussetts, they are the kindest most uplifting people, who do SO much to enrich the habitat they live in, and the people that they work with, Jess in particular, does so much to teach, support and generally uplift. Jess is the driving force, the incredibly talented and super supportive soul, who can make your life better in so many way’s, and supported by her husband Colin, they bring light into this world, and we need that light!
One of those people that has, and continues to help me, is a lady called Jan Higgins, a fine Medium, Tutor, Mentor and friend, she has mentored me, and worked with me on my first ( as the organiser ) Spiritual Retreat this past year, and has run many of these in her own right, she’s one of those ladies that just lifts the room by her mere presence, and with over forty years of mediumship experience, both demonstrating and teaching mediumship, she is a gold mine of love and support.
Jan will be taking a group of students through five days of sitting in séance conditions, allowing them to experience what it’s like to connect to the power of Spirit in this very unique way, at the time of writing this, there are spaces available to work with Jan, so please reach out to me if you would like to know more. ( )
I will be taking a group of students on an exploration of the Altered States of Awareness and Trance Mediumship, where we will look at some of the many way’s that Spirit can directly influence us, for us to literally become the voice of Spirit.
If this seems like an opportunity that you want to be part of, then don’t hesitate, you never know how far you can go, unless you make the effort to try.
We will support you every step of the way, and very much look forward to seeing you, from May 22nd to May 26th in Westport MA, 2024.
I’ve been thinking, reading and thinking more.
I’ve been thinking
“ We must be a pure channel for Spirit “
I’ve heard these words shared in conversation, and naturally as a Trance Medium in particular, I’ve mentally wrestled with this statement.
Thinking about them, has caused me to debate the whole idea of what ideas, thoughts and opinions are important, and whether our “input” as a Trance Medium, should be encouraged or discouraged.
Even now, I still debate them, and I do wonder if there is a right answer, or if the answer is personal, with moral or intellectual reasoning being the guiding principle.
Trance Mediumship is at its most basic level, a multitude of consciousness, fighting for dominance over a receiver “ the medium “ to prompt awareness of their ideas, thoughts, perspective’s, all this, while knowing the medium has an inherent influence that fluctuates day by day, hour by hour, or even second by second.
Should the light of reasoning and knowledge come only from the spirit guide, should they expect a ‘ blank canvas ‘ with which to work, or does the medium in fact, have a responsibility to educate themselves, to provide a meaningful library of intelligent experiences, with which the spirit communicator can use to enhance the conversation or debate?
Surely the question should be.
What is the purpose of knowledge, if not to share, for the benefit of spiritual and personal growth?
Let’s suppose the medium can be that empty vessel, whose influence is negligible, are they a help or hindrance, do they offer a library with empty shelves, or a pristine canvas, on which something beautiful can be created?
As I ponder this conundrum, I’m inclined towards the thought that, we are guided by many, who come together as a collective, and yet though they may speak as one spirit communicator via their medium, their influence is many fold, and they too must have been guided, influenced in their own lives, by those who shared their own experiences and thoughts with them, they were standing on the shoulders of giants.
I think to live without active inquiry, is to be happy standing still, to like your view, but not be thirsty to see what’s beyond the horizon.
If life’s purpose is in some way related to growth of the Soul, then surely the mind must equally be nourished, lest it dines from an empty plate.
I feel, we should always be hungry for more understanding, as a way of moving from limiting thoughts or active ignorance, the world is slipping into a malaise of allowing others to think for us, to live for us, and AI can’t be the way ahead, not if the mind truly wants to grow, by educating itself and upon reflection of the journey.
What is Trance?
What is Trance, what is the spirit worlds view on it, I asked my guides what their thoughts were.
Trance is love, it is understanding, it is sharing, it is education.
It is learning and merging, it is cooperation and working.
Soul to Soul communion, deeper than skin, language of the mind.
It is a Holy and Sacred union, used by millennia of people, be they the Shaman of the North, the Yogi's of the East, the Witch Doctors of the South or the Holy Men of the West.
And in every direction in between, people have answered their souls calling to the beat of the drum, their songs and invocations.
It is a calling to the higher forms, an answer to your questions and a vision of a path laid out before you, it is most Holy, and comes with great responsibility.
We are the voices beyond the Stars, and the voice beneath your feet, we are the whispering of the tree's and the roaring of the seas.
We are the calling of the bird's and the thundering of the hooves.
We are in your storms and in the silence, watching, waiting and listening.
In the moments of joy and in the darkest hours, we are everlasting.
Before your birth and long after your passing, we are everywhere and nowhere.
We are One.
It’s all in the mind!
It all begins with an idea.
There's an aspect of psychology in human thinking and perception, called the Negativity Bias.
In a nutshell, we're programmed from around 1 year old and onwards, to have a negatively biased outlook.
I think this explains well, why some people see situations in a certain light, and why others perceive the same information in a different way.
Your brain has neural plasticity, and by maintaining a negative perception, you are carving a thought pattern into your mind or consciousness.
Media perception is very on topic, but remember that every time that perception of media, govt, arises, you trigger the same reaction, and strengthen that thought.
The media isn't responsible for your happiness, and nor are you forced to be influenced by it.
By highlighting what you believe to be an issue, you're perpetrating a negative response in those who would otherwise, be ambivalent to what they see, so, you're knowing or unknowingly sowing seeds in people's minds, seeds that don't germinate anything positive.
I think that fundamentally, you have an inner knowing, that will, if you let it, guide you on a path to a more balanced mindset.
YOU can choose how to respond.
I wonder whether, if you never watched or listened to the news, would you still hold the villains of the day responsible for the world you perceive, because part of your evolution is such, that you're programmed to perceive the worst, as it was a mechanism for discerning between survival and your demise.
In a world of fake news and mixed views, where spin and denial is served daily (or is it?)
Should we devolve our decision making ability, to a political or ideological cause?
Or can we still FEEL the truth of a situation?
You know what's right, because you can feel it, it's in there, inside you, so why not bring it to the surface, have faith in yourself.
Your Heartsong
Your Heartsong
In each one of us, is our purpose, but we must ask ourselves, what is our purpose?
Well, that depends whether we answer with our head or our heart.
If like me, you didn't know what you wanted to be, if the right answer always eluded you, then you were probably answering with your head.
Your culture, upbringing, family, or peer pressure, may try to guide you to fit in, but what if the path you're led to, just doesn't feel right?
What do you do?
You need to consider something, do you want to feed your bank balance, or feed your soul?
In an ideal world, you'd choose the later, sometimes circumstances force you to choose the former, but I feel the right answer is somewhere in the middle.
If we could live on love alone, we'd be blessed I'm sure, but love doesn't provide for your family, or pay the bills, it doesn't offer you security for your latter years.
When I spend time with people in mediumship classes, I listen to their wishes, and try to work out a way, in which I can help them achieve their wishes.
But the real question is, what do you wish to achieve, and why?
Success is nice, material wealth is nice, but shiny things become dull, someone else is the new hot topic, and peoples opinions change.
The constant, is that inside you, your sense of self worth and peace of mind is unchanged, unless you embrace the calling of your heart, the right path felt, it will speak to you in a way that words never can.
It's right, when it feels right, because your soul knows the right path, but you need to listen hard enough, to the voice within, the inner voice, and not the outer voice, that cries for attention.
Your heart song is what makes your heart sing, what fulfills you, what makes you feel like your purpose, your calling has been found.
So look within, and listen for the song, that song that makes your heart sing.
Are you in the mood for Trancing?
It starts with the mind, moves to the heart, and is expressed by the body.
You may be curious about Trance Mediumship, you may have heard other people talking about it, you may be thinking, " What's all the fuss about "
There are lot's of thought's about what Trance is, and how you can incorporate it into your Mediumship, well here are my thoughts!
Think of Trance Mediumship more as a state of being, rather than a destination, if you do that, you'll start to realise why it can be a doorway to new paths, new ideas, and new way's to work with Spirit!
You know how you feel, when you're just relaxing, your mind isn't thinking about anything in particular, it's just floating from one thought to the next, with no real purpose.
Well this is you, observing your mind, just doing it's own thing, we do it all the time, but what if we could harness that state of relaxation, to do something a little different, like make a connection to the spirit world, which helps you understand your sensitivity, with new focus and clarity?
Do we all have Guides & Inspirers? The answer is YES we do, ALL of us do, but do we take the time to become aware of them?
Do we even know how to do this?
Well not all of us do, but that doesn't mean that you can't, you just need to know how to do it.
Have you ever had one of those moments, when you just know what to say to someone, but you don't quite know where those thoughts came from, or you felt inspired to write or compose something, but don't know where that inspiration came from?
Well the short answer, is that you are always connected to Spirit, but you're not always paying attention, sometimes they can be really subtle, it's like they just slip a thought into your mind, and hey presto, the start of a new idea is born.
Skeptics may say there's no such thing as Spirit, and we're all deluding ourselves, but are we?
Can every person who ever had a sudden insight or premonition, really have been imagining it?
Is it not more likely, that we allowed our mind to get to that happy and relaxed state, where we became aware that we are not alone, and never have been, the spirit world is more part of us, than many would admit or realise, so what are you going to do about it?
Are you in the mood for Trancing?