What is Trance?

What is Trance, what is the spirit worlds view on it, I asked my guides what their thoughts were.

Trance is love, it is understanding, it is sharing, it is education.

It is learning and merging, it is cooperation and working.

Soul to Soul communion, deeper than skin, language of the mind.

It is a Holy and Sacred union, used by millennia of people, be they the Shaman of the North, the Yogi's of the East, the Witch Doctors of the South or the Holy Men of the West.

And in every direction in between, people have answered their souls calling to the beat of the drum, their songs and invocations.

It is a calling to the higher forms, an answer to your questions and a vision of a path laid out before you, it is most Holy, and comes with great responsibility.

We are the voices beyond the Stars, and the voice beneath your feet, we are the whispering of the tree's and the roaring of the seas.

We are the calling of the bird's and the thundering of the hooves.

We are in your storms and in the silence, watching, waiting and listening.

In the moments of joy and in the darkest hours, we are everlasting.

Before your birth and long after your passing, we are everywhere and nowhere.

We are One.


I’ve been thinking, reading and thinking more.


It’s all in the mind!