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Wales Spiritual Retreat 2025

It all begins with an idea, or a thought that someone shared.

Back in 2022, a few people asked why I didn’t run my own Spiritual Retreat, I’d attended them on a number of occasions, but never thought it’d be something I’d do myself.

After some thought about what I could offer a student, and speaking to a trusted friend, I decided to run a Spiritual Retreat, for students to develop their awareness of Trance Mediumship and another group being able to sit for the development of Physical Mediumship in seancé conditions.

The first retreat was an outstanding success, and demand has been incredible, so we’re returning to Maenan in April 2025.

The retreat starts on Sunday April 6th at 4:30pm and it ends on Friday April 11th at 1pm.

It’s based in the North Wales contryside, at the Maenan Abbey Hotel, among the stunning welsh countryside, on the grounds of a 13th Century Abbey.

Students will be fully supported, to learn without pressure, to sit under the guidance of two experienced tutors, in a relaxed and comfortable location.

Whether you’re new to Trance Mediumship or sitting in seánce conditions, you will be welcomed to achieve the most of your potential

Prices vary according to room availability and whether you’re willing to share, attendance as a day student is also possible, as is self catering in the caravan park next to the hotel.

If you feel this is what you need, and you wish to learn more, then e-mail me at

7 March

Friday Trance Development Group

21 May

Masachussetts May 21st to 25th 2025